TSP (Triple Super Phosphate) represented as 0-46-0, is normally applied where plants are grown in soils with low or average levels of phosphorus. Its importance can be measured by the fact that in absence or it, the root development is weak, growth is stunted, productivity drops, the leaves or the edges of the leaves turn purple and in plants like tobacco and cotton, the leaves turn an abnormal color of dark green; potato tubers develop brown spots etc. Because it is a fertilizer with slightly acidic composition, its effect is limited in neutral or alkali soils. Because the phosphorus in its composition dissolved easily in water, it shows its effects rapidly. TSP is used as a base fertilizer. If it’s applied too early, the phosphorus in it combines with the lime and other elements in the soil and loses its effectiveness. If it is applied after the planting or seeding, it remains on the surface and has little effect. For these reasons, it should be applied either during or immediately after planting, seeding for maximum effect.
DAP (Diammonium Phosphate), MAP (Monoammonium Phosphate) and TSP (Triple superphosphate) are the most commonly traded phosphate fertilizers. DAP is produced by combining phosphoric acid with ammonia. It contains 18% nitrogen and 46% phosphorus pentoxide. TSP is made by reacting wet-process phosphoric acid with phosphate rock. Typically it contains 46% P2O5. TSP is produced in granular and non-granular form and is used both in fertilizer blends (with potassium and nitrogen fertilizers) and by itself.
TSP production amounts to around 5m. tonnes a year, of which around 4m. tonnes are traded internationally. It is produced in very few countries. The largest producers and exporters are Chinese, Tunisian, Moroccan, Israeli, Bulgarian and Egyptian companies. The main consuming countries are Brazil, Bangladesh, Iran the US and northwest Europe. But with the increase in international prices of DAP, its anticipated that the consumption of TSP will increase manifold and it will emerge as a very economical substitute of DAP.
Product Specifications
Description |
Quality |
Uses |
TSP fertilizer having
42.5% Water soluble P2O5, Minimum
46.0% Total Water soluble P2O5, Minimum
3.0 % Free Phosphoric Acid, Maximum 12.0 % Moisture, Maximum |
As per FCO 1985 |
Fertilizer |
Manufacturing Process
Process Flow Chart